✅ For hotels
The Directory is the one-stop shop for your clients to have everything they need to know about your property at their fingertips.
In this article:
Create a Directory - list and details options
Creating a Sub-directory option
How to add a list option within a list
Re-arrange the order of the Directory
How it appears on the app and portal
Introduction to the Directory
- The Directory is one of the core elements of your Vamoos app to showcase your property and what it entails
- Include imagery, sub-directories, and even videos to make your guests' stay as smooth and informed as possible
- Reduce the number of trivial questions and queries you have to answer by providing this information on the app
Access settings
- You can select who can access the information, through the Access Settings.
- You can have Daily Activities available at all times, only during your guests' dates of stay, only to those with passcodes or not show the information at all
Create a Directory - list and details option
To create your directory, open your property and go to Directory on the left-hand side menu
Press Add to create a directory item
You will be asked to choose either a Sub-directory or Details option
- Sub-directory: This allows you to create a sub-category flowing process. This is where you want to break down details of areas of your property
- The Sub-directory is the structure you are choosing, not the page of information
- Details: This is the page of information you are presenting on your Directory. This can be by itself or found while going through List option stages.
Creating a Details option
To add a Details option, click on Add and Details
You can then fill in the relevant information
- Title: the title name of the information you are adding. For example, you can call this 'Welcome' as the first tab or 'Internet and Wifi' etc
- Description: the bulk of the information you are adding. For example, for 'Internet and Wifi' then you can include the Internet login details and any other relevant info
- Background image: select a relevant background image to display here
- Video: add a promotional video if relevant
- Button: you also have the option to add up to 2 call-to-action buttons with extra information or details
- To add a button, check the box
- You can then give the button a name and choose an icon
- To add a PDF or URL link, press the Attach button
- You will be able to upload a file from your library, upload one from your desktop or attach a URL
- Once created press Save
Creating a Sub-directory option
- The Sub-directory creates the structure, while the Details option provides the content
- By choosing the Sub-directory option you intend to layer the information for this section of the Directory
- This is why typically this section is used to show Room Guides, Food & Drink, Activities available and other services you wish to promote in more detail
- To create a Sub-directory option, click on Add and Sub-directory
- Because this is only a title page and not details, you only need to insert a title name and press Save
- You can see an example of a Sub-directory below:
Create pages for this section
You now need to create pages that sit within this section
To create a single page, click on the list you have now created by clicking on the name
- As they are single pages offering content, we need to add them as a Details option
- You can add a Details page by clicking on Add and selecting Details
- You can then fill in the information for your Details option, as mentioned above
- Once you have added the 'Details' pages, your selected Sub-directory will look like the below:
How to add a list option within a list
- You can also add a list option within a Sub-directory if you feel as though one details page will not show enough information
- To do this, make sure you are already in a Sub-directory by clicking on the title name
- Then click Add and choose the Sub-directory option
- You can then repeat the process as explained above by adding Detail options for your information pages
Re-arrange the order of the Directory
- You can use the Drag and Drop feature for the Directory to re-order how it appears on your guest's device's
- You can also change the name of the Directory icon by selecting Shared from the black bar at the top of your screen and select Menus and Labels.
How it appears on the app and portal
- On the app we can now see the full flow of the Directory.
- A complete Directory on the portal will eventually look similar to the below example.
If you have any further questions or need help with this, you can contact us at [email protected].